Saturday, May 5

Sal Chases Aaron

Just 708 left to go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at the game and was so happy when I saw you were in the lineup. I was on 4th row, 3rd base side and basically called your monster jack to all around me and even got pats on the back when it happened. My friends really got into your style. The double was great also. I even like the throw over Glaus after your foul ball catch!! Keep up the great work and I will be back when yall come to arlington again!

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sal, what's going on with you guys lately?? Light a fire under your teammates' asses and get a winning streak going. What's happening in the clubhouse that's causing this problem?

1:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sal! I am a huge jays fan and you are my favorite player. I hope you have a great year!

5:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:25 AM  
Blogger Sal said...

Hey, you know what's funny, anonymous? Sal really does like eatin' toast and readin' books. It's like you had a video recorder filmin' Sal's life.

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like Sal really likes PB&J too.

Check it out:

4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey sal! I posted a video on youtube with a slideshow with your pictures in it. It also says to vote for you for the mlb all-star game. It's titled vote for sal.

1:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey wa the anonymous persin that said I posted a video on youtube with a slidshow of your pictures. It's titled vote for sal fasano. not vote for sal. here is the link:

1:27 PM  

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