Sunday, November 26

Sal Feels Slightly Slighted

OK, kids. It's Sal. And he's got somethin' to say.

Sal feels a bit slighted. Sal's been searchin' the internet lately and he knows there is no shortage of Sal-love out there. In just the past few weeks Sal has been given two prestigious awards: first was the Bruce Chen award and then, more recently, the WSBGMs Play of the Year Award AND - just to top things off - this here guy won best costume at his friend's Halloween party last month:

So you would think with all this happenin' the respect factor for ol' Sallie would be at an all-time high.

Not so.

Here's the straight talk comin': Sal was over at lookin' at their Free Agent Tracker. Take a good look, kids. Notice anyone missin'? Maybe somebody who declared free agency on October 16th? Maybe a backup catcher? Wit' a fu manchu? And a train?

So Sal's a little depressed. And his knees hurt again.

But the Fu Manchu is 13 1/4 centimeters below the lip.

So that's good.

Wednesday, November 15

Sal is Back on Track...WOO WOO!!!

Hi, folks - it's me, Sal. Long time no talk.

Sorry Sal hasn't posted in a while but he's been ass to eyeballs in crazy busy-ness. Sal's not sure if ass to eyeballs is really an expression...but he's goin' wit' it.

First off - the Fu Man-Choo-Choo vacation wit' Mrs. Sal and the mini-Sals is goin' OK, Sal guesses. Things got off to a rough start 'cause somehow Sal managed to get lost on the way to his first stop. Not really sure how that happened since you can't really make a wrong turn in a train but Sal seemed to find a way.

Our first stop was beautiful Kansas City. Sal wanted to visit the place where his baseball career started.

Unfortunately some dumb ass decided it would be a great idea to take two cities that are right next to each other and name them BOTH Kansas City. So Sal ended up in Kansas City, Kansas...and it turns out he played ball in Kansas City, Missouri. Sal was pissed but we ended up meetin' some good folks so it was OK. Sal just hopes no such problems occur at his next stop in Springfield.

In other news - Sal has been fieldin' some comments about the Boston Red Sox givin' up a bunch of money just to talk to a Japanese pitcher. People seem confused by this and they want Sal to join the masses that are shittin' on the Sox. But Sal can't do it.

Here's the straight talk comin': Sal's agent has recently been talkin' wit' some Japanese teams...and they've all been biddin' on the rights to talk to ol' Sallie. Sal is happy to report that the winnin' team has offered 2 million yen just to get Sal to the table. Sal is pumped.

See, Sal only made $425,000 all of last year - and now he gets 2 million yen just to talk? Sal's gonna be honest folks - he just went out and bought his dream car.***

So life is good. Sal promises to write again soon...right after he takes the wife and kids to see who wins the next 30 World Series!

PS - the Fu Manchu is currently 12 centimeters below the lip. Comin' along nicely.

***Editor's note: Soon after Sal submitted this post we were forced to inform him that 2 million yen is roughly equivalent to $17,000. Not bad, but Sal was forced to return the DeLorean. Not to worry because he seemed OK with it, saying only "Goddamn thing did nothin' at 88 anyway."