Wednesday, January 10

Sal Drops Some Knowledge on Y'all

OK, folks. Time to for Big Sallie to get serious.

Two days ago, Sal posted a poll askin' you pals a simple question: "If a crazy-psycho lunatic had a gun to your head and told you to pick only one of these here fellas to send to the Hall of Fame, who would you pick?"

Now, a whoppin' eleven of you responded - and the choice was unaninynimo...uninan...unanoymu...all of you voted for Sal. That's eleven more votes than Scott Brosius got on the Hall of Fame ballot. Now - don't get Sal wrong, he's flattered by this...but the real reason he posted this poll was to protect you. Sal wanted to make sure his Pals were safe in any situation.

See, if any of you folks were in said situation and you ended up givin' Sal as your answer - no matter how sound in "Fieldin' Percentage" your choice may be - you would all be dead. Shot-in-the-head-by-a-crazy-psycho-lunatic dead.

Why you ask? Well, the answer is simple.

Here's the straight talk comin': if you are ever in a situation where a crazy psycho-lunatic has a gun to your head and is askin' you pick one fella from a list of fellas to go to the Hall of Fame there is at least an 87% chance that said crazy psycho-lunatic is none other than Gary Sheffield.

See, Sal used to be teammates with Gary (some of the more discriminatin' among you may have recognized him in Sal's Swedish Shef post) and Sal himself was put in this situation many a time.

So please - if you're ever in this situation just answer "Gary Sheffield."

Sal won't take offense.


Blogger Sal said...

Sal is confused. After Sal posted this here lesson - some fella went and voted for Cal Ripken. Sal isn't sure if this is wisenheimerin' or if someone just decided to ignore his warnin's. Please, Pals - don't be fate temptin'. Just say Sheffield.

7:33 PM  
Blogger GM-Carson said...

Sal, I don't know who would have the nerve and vote Cal Ripken?

We all know you're the man!

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


My name is Esteban and I assure you that Canada has been eagerly awaiting a great man with such an amazing mustache. We now believe he prophecy is complete and we are all set to win the World Series.

I Pledge alligence to SAL!!!


11:49 PM  

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