Thursday, December 14

Sal Believes This is a Slippery Slope

Yep. It's Sal.

Kids, until yesterday, Sal's vacation was goin' great. He was relaxin', he was travelin', he was chug-a-chuggin'. But right around 4PM - through the Fu Man-Choo-Choo's kick-ass wireless connection - Sal saw somethin' that has him "shittin' bricks," as we in baseball call it.

What Sal saw blew his mind. He didn't know what to make of it. Well, enough of the's what Sal saw:

This is the scariest stuff Sal's baby browns ever beheld.

Here's the straight talk comin': Sal now realizes he now has very little time left to earn a livin' in baseball. Let's face it - this here robot made more contact in the 3 minute video than Sal has in 20 years of organized ball. It's only a matter of time before some crazy scientist-type teaches it to squat and tell pitchers to throw fastballs, curveballs, and whatnot.

So, Sal is facin' the future...and he doesn't like what he sees.

Though - truth be told - Sal is really lookin' forward to seein' a live version of this here:

So it ain't all bad.


Blogger GM-Carson said...

Sal you're still loved at WSBGM's buddy.

8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Salvatore. Its your cousin, Pasquale. This really you man? Just stumbled across this site. See you around Christmas.

1:02 AM  

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